Grandchildren. Oh, how precious. I love every single minute I get to be with my grandsons. Jackson is now 2 1/2. He enjoyed our new tradition of making a gingerbread creation . I started the train and then Tia Leah, visiting from Hawaii, helped him finish it. The candy was a little too tempting for him though. But isn't that what grandmothers are for? We have so much fun together. He says the cutest things. He kept calling my leather sofa the chocolate couch. I am not sure why he thought it looked like chocolate...
Jackson found his seat by Tia Leah at church and was ready to listen to some inspiring words.
Ben found his place on my lap. He is a cutie. We had our whole family together at church . It took everything I had not to tear up during the service.
(I wish I had given my camera to someone to take our picture all together.)
Ryan, Mary Beth, Jackson and Ben at the farm at Thanksgiving.
(Notice how sweet it is that Ben has his hand on Jackson's shoulder.)
Nana can't wait until Christmas!!